Les Mis : Paris at Place des Arts
Les Misérables is undeniably the world’s most popular musical, renowned for its precious musical numbers “One Day More” and “Do You Hear The People Sing”. The evening at Salle Wilfrid-Pelletier was full of marvels and wonders that made the audience time-travel to the chaotic streets of 19th-century Paris.
The entire three-hour musical depicts the life of a man, Jean Valjean, but its title was never named after his name Jean Valjean; it was named Les Misérables. Amongst poverty and social injustice, the characters in Les Mis choose to fight over being obedient. The vast majority of them die by the end, but their deaths share the same base of sacrifice for loved ones or great cause; Fantine as Mother’s love, Jean Valjean as a penitent and a parent of Cosette, Éponine’s self-destructive affection towards Marius, and the students’ willpower on the barricade to make a better world. In that context, everyone in Les Misérables is a determined main character who exemplifies the French motto of Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité.
Overall, the musical captivated the audience with an excellent cast in harmony with the orchestra. Nick Cartell as Jean Valjean held the audience with his exceptional vocal skills and extraordinary aura as the leader carrying the play. Marius as Jake David Smith, Cosette as Delaney Guyer, and Éponine as Mya Rena Hunter definitely had a strong appeal, making the love triangle more immersive and sophisticated. In the particular, during the number “In My Life”, they displayed remarkable vocal performances. Child actors were also the scene stealers who brought hope and sadness to the scenery.
The stage setting was well-arranged in a way that shows the dark side of Paris at the time. The huge barricade made of chairs and furniture was a key factor in the students’ demonstration scene. The lighting tended to be a little dark, which somewhat better expressed the
Les Misérables portrays an epic story of love, humour, and meaning in life. The sincere applause from the audience after each musical number completes the musical as a pure masterpiece. People whose lives were miserable but never feeble. They were Les Miserables.
Les Misérables was at Place des Arts. For tickets and information about other events at Place des Arts, click HERE.