Photo Journal: Worn Vernissage
We send Minh Ho to take pictures of the launch of the Worn show of wearable art at Concordia, curated by Sarah Amarica and Hannah van der Est. The well-attended event showcased clothing in material that ranged from knits to well… completely unusual materials. The curators believe that “artworks that are intended to be worn… [intensify] the relationship between viewer and art object and [acknowledge] the physical presence of the body.” Works by Audrey Dandenault, Bianca Hlywa, David Somiah Clark, Emma Lightstone, Gabrielle Desrosiers, Juliana Helena Faas, Julie Tremblay, Laïla Mestari, Lucas LaRochelle, Lucie Swan, Olivia Rose Mansveld, and “Bundle Up” collaborative project were on display.
The Worn Vernissage took place on April 7 at the Vav Gallery (1395 Rene Levesque). The exhibition continues until April 17.