Dune Rats are a quirky Australian trio, who describe themselves as “3 hyperactive stoner cunts” on their Facebook bio. The band was formed on a fishing trip when vocalist/guitarist Danny Beusa and drummer BC Michaels decided that “playing music was gonna reward us more than sinkin’ piss and droppin’ a line each day” according to Beusa. They released their self titled debut album in 2014, and have been grabbing the attention of music fans with their catchy pop punk songs ever since.
Their latest single, “Bullshit”, is a prime example of that, with its irreverent, catchy chorus that frankly couldn’t have come at a better time. “Everything you do, is bullshit” sings Beusa. Don’t look for any deep meaning in this primal call though, as the singer explains the song’s inspiration as “Shit that is bullshit and stuff that isn’t bullshit”, a clearly binary view of the world. The video shows the band and friends drinking, playing and and being up to all sorts of shenanigans. Beusa explains that “it was shot with about 4 cameras and a bunch of pissed mates (who) went at it in a dirt lot for the day.”
As a parting thought, I asked Beusa what fans can expect from a Dune Rats concert: “Spit and shit”, he answered bluntly. Maybe a reason to keep a safe distance from the stage?
Dune Rats will be at Bar Le Ritz on Thursday, with DZ Deathrays and guests. Tickets are 13$ in advance or 15$ at the door. Show starts at 20:00