Creations GAMA Takes over Primeau Art Gallery

Women in black and white ballet clothes Creations GAMA fundraiser. Photo Hala Taher

All the way from Cannes to Montreal, the Creations GAMA models walked the runway at Primeau Art Gallery. The art pieces alone were worth a visit. Guests at the red carpet event had the opportunity not only to support a good cause with a portion of the proceeds going to Fondation en Coeur, but also to view an exclusive collection crafted by a designer fighting against fast fashion. Gabrielle Mailhot-Côte shared that her inspiration for this collection was to use recycled fur in seasons other than winter. In her designs, she imagined fur as feathers.

The event was in collaboration with Bijoux Pinkalie, showcasing their various pieces on the tutus of three ballerinas who performed and mingled throughout the evening.

Seeing all the models in Mailhot-Côte’s designs together at the end, I felt the collection scream, “Me and my girls are here.” She added a modern, sexy, and fun touch to fur.

Women in black and white ballet clothes
Creations GAMA fundraiser. Photo Hala Taher

Creations GAMA fundraiser. Photo Hala Taher

Creations GAMA fundraiser. Photo Hala Taher

two women posing
Creations GAMA fundraiser. Photo Hala Taher

Creations GAMA fundraiser. Photo Hala Taher

group at fashion show
Creations GAMA fundraiser. Photo Hala Taher