Fringe Festival Reviews #3

group of actors and performers Ta Place cast


Ellie Chartier is a multi-literary artists born in Montreal. She writes poetry, short stories, and non-fiction in English and French. Her main activity is theatre and performance which she writes and directs. She transforms an idea into different forms, from a poem to a story to a play. Her latest show at the Montreal Fringe seems to be designed like this.

When the end comes, where will we be? YOUR PLACE takes place in the near future, on the eve of a predicted destruction. Chartier’s poetic universe is inspired by Tarkovsky and science fiction of the ’70s where the strings of the spaceships were clearly visible. In this story, we meet two twins, young sisters in red tutus who remember their parents who remained on earth. Their big ambition is to create a bright future in space. As the show progresses, a quirky science fiction story unfolds in short chapters, moving us from the future to the past and from the past to the present. We go back in time in the final scene where we find ourselves in a threatened world where a couple, at a picnic, decide to take their destiny into their own hands, romantically swallowing pills to leave earth together.

First of all, I really liked the visual aspects of this show, as well as the musical transitions. On top of that, I enjoyed the diverse and energetic cast. This is an absolutely intriguing performance!

La Germaine et le Vieux Criss

Alexia Côté is a beloved Montréal storyteller who offers hilarious and touching tales about life as she experiences it. This year at the Fringe she presents her solo show. In it, she portrays the role of Béatrice, a nurse in a CHSLD. Mandated by her work to go see a psychologist, we follow her sessions.She finally has the opportunity to talk about her life with someone, sharing her emotions and doubts, particularly about her father who suffers from Parkinson’s. We also witness her progress from being quite timid to become an outspoken young nurse with real things to say

The show is a drama about our health system, the decisions we make, and the fragility of life. With simple decor and a performance in a special setting (the chapel is gorgeous and even though the benches are a bit hard), this show is finished before you know it!

La Germaine et Le Vieux Criss takes place at Chapel of the Cité-des-Hospitalières (251 Ave Pins) on June 12, 13, 15, 16 . Info HERE. Ta Place Dans La Finalité d’un Monde takes place June 14, 15, and 16 at the Conservatoire de musique et d’art dramatique du Québec (4750 Henri-Julien). For tickets, click HERE. Info about the Montreal Fringe Festival can be found HERE.