Review: The Cloud at the FTA

Two women on stage with large white plastic bags The Cloud. Photo Lucie Rocher.

Alexis O’Hara and Atom Cianfarani, self-taught queer and anti-capitalist artists in their 50s, are driven by the desire to constantly renew their ways of creating, refusing to participate in normative culture. Their style is original and highly DIY. Last evening I had the immense pleasure to be at the premiere of their new multidisciplinary creation, The Cloud.

The Cloud tackles difficult topics: climate change and the immense pollution of our mother earth. But this performance is in no way a moral lesson nor a pathetic drama. The Cloud tells a story nourished by science fiction with a somewhat satirical tone using music, dialogues which leaves space for reflection, lots of movement, loads of plastic everywhere and… a live dog, the hero Brutus!

As we enter the theatre, all is calm and peaceful. The set is empty except for two old-fashioned televisions and clouds of plastic floating in the air. After an hour this image is completely changed, the decor is filled with plastic which transforms into sofas, chairs, and a bath where the two creators take a theatrical journey by questioning how we can change the world, what to do with all the information on climate change, and what adaptations are relevant in our destiny to save the planet.

We also get a glimpse of their personal life as a couple.

In the heart of ecological collapse, the wonderful duo, accompanied by their singing dog Brutus, questions our behaviour and our responsibilities as citizens as well as sharing these torments with great humour and absurdity.  The criticism is aimed at our society for promoting and valuing ​​consumerism, greed, and individualism.

Meanwhile we as well witness the love and daily life of two amazing performers, accompanied by the star of the show: Brutus!

The Cloud runs at the FTA until June 1. Info on tickets HERE.