Two Continents, Two Visions: Montreal-Marrakech

Two dancers in grey outfits Montreal Marrakech

Montréal-Marrakech is an extraordinary artistic experience! This choreography premiered at the Agora de la danse on Wednesday, September 18th, and I had an exceptional evening!

Montréal-Marrakech is a unique meeting between two continents and two artistic visions, distinguished by the power of its hybrid vocabulary. The musicality of the bodies intensifies and their dialogue is uncompromising.

Le Carré des Lombes and Anania Danses joined forces to offer an unforgettable performance. In a dynamic and contrasting quartet, Danièle Desnoyers and Taoufiq Izeddiou fused their styles to create a unique work, reflecting their artistic encounter.

Danièle Desnoyers, an iconic figure of Le Carré des Lombes, presented more than twenty remarkable creations that have already conquered Canada, the United States, Europe, and Asia. On the other hand, Taoufiq Izeddiou, a visionary choreographer and artistic director of Anania Danses and the “On Marche” festival in Marrakech, transports us with his works that explore the tensions between tradition and modernity.

The two choreographers seek to redefine the process itself, instinctively advancing to the heart of the subject with four dancers following them. This collaboration crystallizes their mutual desire to create an atypical work, open to otherness, dialogue, and exchange. Montréal-Marrakech reconciles two worlds, two visions.

When we enter the Orange espace, the light is soft and the dancers already move slow, manipulating fabric, they then start to walk around the white square, making patterns and in a game of avoiding and coming together, they lure us into this hybrid dance piece where we are hypnotized by movement and sound, duets and ensemble and where Abe Simon Mijnheer btakes us in a breathtaking solo as a finale of an intercultural encounter.

Designed as a borderless encounter, this choreographic score comes to life thanks to four exceptional performers: Myriam Arseneault Campbell and Abe Simon Mijnheer from Montreal, as well as Chourouk El Mahati and Moad Haddadi from Marrakech.

Myriam Arseneault Campbell and Abe Simon Mijnheer are two talented dancers who bring unique richness and diversity to their performances. Chourouk El Mahati and Moad Haddadi shine with their energy on stage. Together, they form a dynamic quartet that enriches the Montréal-Marrakech stage with their energy and creativity.

This choreography by Danièle Desnoyers and Taoufiq Izeddiou is truly a tour de force.

In short, Montréal-Marrakech is an event not to be missed!

Duration: 50 minutes without intermission

For this show and others at the Agora de la danse, click HERE.

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