Fantasia Festival Picks

Fantasia screen Fantasia Screen. Photo Rachel LEvine

Fantasia is underway and every day and night offers choice genre films from around the world. In order ot help festival goers pick, here’s a list of five that we think will be well worth picking up some popcorn for.


Director Hiroshi Shoji’s Tatsumi makes its North American premiere at Fantasia. This Japanese film features a man who is torn between his work for a local drug gang and his personal relationships, when his ex girlfriend is murdered. Aoi asks Tatsumi to help avenge her sister’s death and the fisherman is bound to act. Hailed as girtty, violent, brutal, and enthralling, it is a tale of vengeance. Fans of films featuring Japanese organized crime will get there fill on this one. July 20 and 22. Info HERE

The Beast Within

Nothing like a world premiere to add to your list, and this one features Jon Snow… uh, Kit Harington as a father who has a secret that he can not contain. He heads to the deep forest at night, leaving behind his family. HIs 10 year old daughter is onto his secret, and as she uncovers it, she too becomes part of the family legacy. If you’re not already thinking werewolves… you’ve not seen enough of this genre. July 22. Info HERE.

The Silent Planet

Jeffrey St Jules offers something that is definitely not a space opera, despite involving aliens and a lonely existence on a penal colony planet. A young woman and an old miner meet and the young woman must get at the heart of what is plaguing the old miner. Themes of regret and redemption play out, as do bigger themes, such as ideas about immigration and alienness. July 24, 26. Info HERE.

From My Cold Dead Hands

Americans love guns. Using thousands of YouTube videos, director Javier Horcajada puts together a documentary that spans the gamut on the meaning of guns to the USA. Stunt challenges, tutorials, product reviews, candids, rants, conspiracy theories… it’s all in there. This is better than anything YouTube’s algorithm will turn up for you. Enjoy! July 27, August 4. Info HERE.

The Paragon

Getting back to vengeance, the Paragon is about a tennis pro left for dead who then takes revenge on the driver of the car that ruins all aspects of his life: his tennis career and coaching, his loving relationship with his wife, and his connection with his brother. He masters the art of telelocation and then hunts down the driver. It’s the comedy of the bunch. July 20 and 22. Info HERE.

The Fantasia festival is on until August 4. Info about films and tickets can be found HERE.

About Rachel Levine

Rachel Levine is the big cheese around here. Contact: Website | More Posts