Salon du Livre Anarchist de Montreal. Anarchist Bookfair. 2016. Photo Rachel Levine
The crowd at the Salon du livre Anarchist de Montreal was back in black on a Sunday afternoon. Sprawled out along the pathway from CEDA to the Centre Culturel Georges Vanier (basically, the local library), the anarchists enjoyed the sun and good vibe in Parc Vinet. Inside the two centres, workshops, speakers, art and activism took place.
Dog supporting anarchy (don’t worry, the owner was nearby). Salon du Livre Anarchist de Montreal. Anarchist Bookfair. 2016. Photo Rachel Levine
A major highlight is the book fair itself. This marketplace allows individuals and groups to set up tables to spread ideas and vend their goods. Although printed books and screen prints tend to be the more expensive items sold, there are plenty of free, pwyc, or inexpensive items available in the room. It’s hard not to walk away with zines, patches, films, buttons, stickers, and other message-bearing items for every social justice topic under the sun. In particular, themes of indigenous rights in Canada, gender rights, and the environment were well represented topics.
We’ve Got Rights, Collective Opposed to Police Brutality handbook. Salon du Livre Anarchist de Montreal. Anarchist Bookfair. 2016. Photo Rachel Levine
A-Anti Capitalist. Booklet. Salon du Livre Anarchist de Montreal. Anarchist Bookfair. 2016. Photo Rachel Levine
Jane. Documents from chicago’s clandestine Abortion Service. Salon du Livre Anarchist de Montreal. Anarchist Bookfair. 2016. Photo Rachel Levine
Vegan Recipes. Salon du Livre Anarchist de Montreal. Anarchist Bookfair. 2016. Photo Rachel Levine
Participants wanted for web project. Salon du Livre Anarchist de Montreal. Anarchist Bookfair. 2016. Photo Rachel Levine
Free to Choose. Reproductive Freedom for Women. Salon du Livre Anarchist de Montreal. Anarchist Bookfair. 2016. Photo Rachel Levine
Vegetarian Starter Kit. Salon du Livre Anarchist de Montreal. Anarchist Bookfair. 2016. Photo Rachel Levine
Liberez Chelsea Manning. Salon du Livre Anarchist de Montreal. Anarchist Bookfair. 2016. Photo Rachel Levine
Patches. Salon du Livre Anarchist de Montreal. Anarchist Bookfair. 2016. Photo Rachel Levine
Feminist patch. Salon du Livre Anarchist de Montreal. Anarchist Bookfair. 2016. Photo Rachel Levine
Indigenous rights. Salon du Livre Anarchist de Montreal. Anarchist Bookfair. 2016. Photo Rachel Levine
Unceded Voices. Salon du Livre Anarchist de Montreal. Anarchist Bookfair. 2016. Photo Rachel Levine
Salon du Livre Anarchist de Montreal. Anarchist Bookfair. 2016. Photo Rachel Levine
submedia. Salon du Livre Anarchist de Montreal. Anarchist Bookfair. 2016. Photo Rachel Levine
CDHAL. Latin American Rights. Salon du Livre Anarchist de Montreal. Anarchist Bookfair. 2016. Photo Rachel Levine
Latin American rights. Salon du Livre Anarchist de Montreal. Anarchist Bookfair. 2016. Photo Rachel Levine
Sarah Mangle. Salon du Livre Anarchist de Montreal. Anarchist Bookfair. 2016. Photo Rachel Levine
Sarah Mangle. Salon du Livre Anarchist de Montreal. Anarchist Bookfair. 2016. Photo Rachel Levine
Sexuality. Salon du Livre Anarchist de Montreal. Anarchist Bookfair. 2016. Photo Rachel Levine
Sex work Zines, Salon du Livre Anarchist de Montreal. Anarchist Bookfair. 2016. Photo Rachel Levine
Victor Hugo’s Toilers of the Sea. Mary Lou Freel. Salon du Livre Anarchist de Montreal. Anarchist Bookfair. 2016. Photo Rachel Levine
Mary Lou Freel. Salon du Livre Anarchist de Montreal. Anarchist Bookfair. 2016. Photo Rachel Levine
The great thing about the book fair is a chance to meet people. I spoke to Mary Lou Freel, an anarchist artist, as well as Sarah Mangle. I was especially struck by Jeannette Tossounian, who was sentenced to two years in prison. She documented the brutality and dehumanization she encountered for daring to do such radical acts as refusing to wear a bra. She was selling her book of her experience, The Human Kennel, and had turned things like her prison-issued toothpaste into a work of art.
Jeannette Tossounian. Salon du Livre Anarchist de Montreal. Anarchist Bookfair. 2016. Photo Rachel Levine
Jeannette Tossounian’s TOothbrush from jail. Salon du Livre Anarchist de Montreal. Anarchist Bookfair. 2016. Photo Rachel Levine
Toothpaste from jail. Jeannette Tossounian. Salon du Livre Anarchist de Montreal. Anarchist Bookfair. 2016. Photo Rachel Levine
The Human Kennel. Salon du Livre Anarchist de Montreal. Anarchist Bookfair. 2016. Photo Rachel Levine
Another interesting component of the Anarchist Bookfair is the Art and Anarchy exhibit, where over 50 artists showcase pieces of different types.
Plats de résistance_17. Le Déambulation Collective. Salon du Livre Anarchist de Montreal. Anarchist Bookfair. 2016. Photo Rachel Levine
Anarchist Art. Salon du Livre Anarchist de Montreal. Anarchist Bookfair. 2016. Photo Rachel Levine
Effedéka. Les Mouministes. Drawing. Salon du Livre Anarchist de Montreal. Anarchist Bookfair. 2016. Photo Rachel Levine
Léa Lacroix and Valérie Jacques-Bélair. Médias Mixtes. Salon du Livre Anarchist de Montreal. Anarchist Bookfair. 2016. Photo Rachel Levine
Salon du Livre Anarchist de Montreal. Anarchist Bookfair. 2016. Photo Rachel Levine
Léa Lacroix and Valérie Jacques-Bélair. Salon du Livre Anarchist de Montreal. Anarchist Bookfair. 2016. Photo Rachel Levine
Tournesol Plante. Colalges et Patchworks. Salon du Livre Anarchist de Montreal. Anarchist Bookfair. 2016. Photo Rachel Levine
Tournesol Plante. Collages et Patchworks. Wastelands. Salon du Livre Anarchist de Montreal. Anarchist Bookfair. 2016. Photo Rachel Levine
Plats de Résistance_17. La déambulation Collective. Salon du Livre Anarchist de Montreal. Anarchist Bookfair. 2016. Photo Rachel Levine
Isabelle Lévesque. Socio-Logique. Salon du Livre Anarchist de Montreal. Anarchist Bookfair. 2016. Photo Rachel Levine
Mary Lou Freel. Salon du Livre Anarchist de Montreal. Anarchist Bookfair. 2016. Photo Rachel Levine
Mary Lou Freel. Salon du Livre Anarchist de Montreal. Anarchist Bookfair. 2016. Photo Rachel Levine
With a hyper-sensitivity to people on the margins, the book fair provides all-gender toilets, quiet rooms, spaces for kids, and very modestly priced food.
Trigger Warning Room. Salon du Livre Anarchist de Montreal. Anarchist Bookfair. 2016. Photo Rachel Levine
Toilet for any gender. Salon du Livre Anarchist de Montreal. Anarchist Bookfair. 2016. Photo Rachel Levine
Quiet Room. Salon du Livre Anarchist de Montreal. Anarchist Bookfair. 2016. Photo Rachel Levine
The Anarchist Book Fair took place May 27-29.