MONTREAL THEN (AND NOW): And the Beat Goes On
Celebrating the 100th birthday of Beat Poetry’s Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Celebrating the 100th birthday of Beat Poetry’s Lawrence Ferlinghetti
One great culture respects another culture and learns from it, learns to cherish it and incorporates it into its heart.
Some of Montreal’s best poets can be found on the streets, such as Phil
Love is easy when you have advice from a master of poetry and literature.
Plenty of holidays that are far more offensive than X-mas.
Looking for great reading — pick up Keith Henderson’s The Pagan Nuptials of Julia.
Review of Kenneth Radu’s book of short stories about imbalance between human and monetary values.
Zsolt stands as a rebel against gender rebellion and all other forms of conformity.
Cucumbers and vampires — perfect for Halloween.
Get ready to light up, Canada, and become the coolest country in North America.
The testimony of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford before some rather toxic men of power prompts this bonus reflection by Zsolt.
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