Highlights from the Young Guns of Comedy Show 2014
“Two minutes to showtime. Comedians, start writing your jokes,” played over the speakers while young comics meticulously set cameras on tables to record their sets.
Earlier this week, I met Darren Henwood and asked him about Young Guns of Comedy 2014. Henwood, a Young Gun three years ago and second time host this year, expained that the event gives a weekend slot to open mic comedians who have been performing over the past year. He continued to say how nice it is to see the community that these rising comedians form for themselves in the way they all support one another.
If you missed the four shows over the three night run at the Comedy Nest, January 2nd, 3rd, AND 4th, YOU MISSED OUT!
But don’t worry, I have a few highlights for you right here. I had the privilege of attending the show the first night, which according to Henwood was one of the stronger nights. Plus, the house was nearly at capacity.
HIGHLIGHTS! (a.k.a. moments-that-caught-my-attention) :
Darren Henwood, the host, taught us that to do a Scottish accent is simply a Newfoundlander who is also a pirate.
(Please note, my personal weakness at comedy shows are those sweet, unique, moments of audience interaction.)
Before introducing the first comedian, he asked a fellow in the front “Are you in show-business?” “No.” “Then get your feet off the stage.”
Which brings us to the first comic of the night:
Chris Sandiford discussed drugs as his new favourite thing. He then asked the guy in front to get on stage to show everyone his hair.
A harsh blow to an audience member came the moment one lonely soul clapped and Sandiford responded with “Thank you very much for applauding. I don’t need help from you.” Harsh, but funny.
Mike Carrozza: “Ok, some people like puns, some people groan at puns (commenting on audience reaction to joke). You’re gonna love this next bit.”
He got definite mad laughs at a joke entitled “Miss Paranoid Pageant 2013.” Try to see him perform, maybe he’ll do it again. Not spoiling it here.
Emery Fine: Gained laughs for his one-liners but got even bigger laughs for what comes off as insecurity toward his jokes. Lines like, “Ok, good. That’s a joke” amplify the laugh of the previous joke, a fine (accidental pun) way of stretching out the laugh. I wrote many of them down, but it would be uncool to spoil them for you. Follow him on Twitter to find out where you can catch him next.
Geoffrey Applebaum: Makes great social commentaries ranging from Montreal Bixi bikes to the future of Facebook. And everything he says had me thinking, “It’s SO true!!” which tends to be my favourite thing about a comedian. I caught wind that pretty big things are in store for him, so be sure to keep up and catch him when you can!
Molly Brisebois, the only female and (allegedly) the most nervous of the bunch, is a self-proclaimed expert on dating. She explained the origins of the expression “your ass is mine” and why you should avoid the first stall in bathrooms. I mean, get you butt to her show because if you haven’t seen her perform, you should, and if you have, maybe you should, again. If you’re not sold, three words: porn, Pinocchio, spin-off. The rest is up to you.
Darren Henwood (back to the host for a second) picked on a boy-band-looking foursome in the front row. The way he performed, he’s sure to have been different each night or at the very least, has the skill to make you think he’s doing it for the first time. Audience interaction continued as he put on a woman’s glasses. Elements like that get me every time.
Scott Andrew Carter: Can repeat the same schtick over and over and over and over and over, with a slight alteration and you’ll want to hear him do it all night. He bases half or more of his set on his own appearance and the stereotypical societal interpretations of how he is perceived by, well, everyone, based on the laughs. Laughs of truth, laughs of recognition, essential fuels to his bit. Subtle differences. A string of these went on, all hilarious. Different emphasis on the same phrase, always laugh worthy. Proof that it’s all in the delivery.