Photojournal : Montreal Climate Strike and March / Skolstrejk för klimatet

Greta Thunberg. Photo Manuel Berlanga.
Greta Thunberg. Photo Manuel Berlanga.

Photos by Angelique Koumouzelis, Rachel Levine, Manuel Berlanga, and Nancy Berman

May the energy and passion of the 500,000 people who showed up to the strike continue in the days ahead to change the trajectory we are presently on.

Climate Strike Poster. Photo Rachel Levine
Climate Strike heading to march. Photo Rachel Levine
Climate Strike Poster. Photo Rachel Levine
Climate Strike heading to the march. Photo Rachel Levine
Message from UN. Climate Strike. Photo Rachel Levine
Message from UN. Climate Strike. Photo Rachel Levine
Speakers on video. Robert Bourassa. Climate Strike. Photo Rachel Levine
Speakers on video. Robert Bourassa. Climate Strike. Photo Rachel Levine
Greta Thunberg. Photo Manuel Berlanga.
Greta Thunberg. Photo Manuel Berlanga.